
Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Thanks again for stopping by my blog for I WONDER WEDNESDAY! I bet you're wondering what the Crazy Lady has on her mind today, now aren't you? It's ok, be honest, I totally heart HONESTY!

Well, I'll just tell you what I'm wondering...

Please don't laugh because I'm serious about my "issue!". It comes up every year around the holidays. I WONDER why it bothers me when dead people sing? I mean, when I hear music that a dead person made when they were alive. Some would call it a "lasting legacy", and it is...but maybe we don't always want that, at least not some of us, at least not for certain people.

Ok, not just any dead people bother me, just this one... Karen Carpenter was a pretty lady, but it just gives me the willies when I hear her sing.

I know she can't help it that she's dead...we all have to kick it someday, but it just gives me the creeps when I hear one of her songs.

I don't understand why because I still love to hear Luther Vandross sing.

And the music of Bing Crosby doesn't bother me a bit.

Or this guy.

I think his wife is ugly not very pretty, but he had to live with her...not me, and I never thought he was HOT (AT ALL) either. Not trying to be mean, but really, with that kind of money and living in NY, she could find a stylist and possibly even some other help! Even my husband has heard of TLC's WHAT NOT TO WEAR - an extreme makeover for free!!!

Back to my I WONDER...what's wrong with me that I have an issue with her singing, even if she is dead? I don't know...maybe I need to see a shrink. Hmmm...

NAH...probably not going to happen, I enjoy being cRAzY!

So, if you want to continue in the I WONDER-MENTS, please go and visit the following blogs:

Lori @ Basketball, Gymnastics and Me

Bo @ Blinks 'N Winks from Brown-Eyes

Kristen @ Something about Nothing.

I know you'll be glad you did and you'll enjoy seeing what they're wondering too.

And please leave us comments. Thanks and be sure to visit again next week, same time, same place for more I WONDERS!


Jewel Sauls said...

I know what you mean about Karen Carpenter. I think it is because she projected such a wholesome image and when you find out she was starving herself that big smile seems so false. If I really want to irritate DH, all I have to do is launch into a Carpenters song. It's like fingers on a blackboard to him!!!!:D Jewel

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

On yes...the Carpenters always bothered me a little bit too...both of them.

Stacey said...

Oh you crack me up! Yoko does need help.

I'm going to try to remember this event next week!

Kat said...

You are not alone! Actually, I never cared for them when they were big, a little too schmaltzy for my taste. And sending Yoko to Clinton and Stacy would be a hoot! Great post, Kathy

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Well...I never realized it, but you are right! I love Nat King Cole at Christmas...Chestnuts roasting....etc. But every time I hear her songs, I alwyas think ...too bad she died. I guess the way she died makes her stick in my mind. you've got me wondering...Debbie

Lori said...

I'm not a big fan of Bing... He just gets under my skin... Don't know why. The Carpenter's were cool, but I got upset when she starved herself...

I have my I wonder Wednesday up.. I hope it makes sense.

Beth in NC said...

You are too funny! Maybe it is because her songs seem so dreary or something.

Surely a true John Lennon fan will think what you said is blasphemy. lol Don't worry -- it isn't me.

Designs on 47th Street said...

Ha! This is such a funny post. Like Debbie, I never thought about it before but you are RIGHT! I can listen to any other deceased singer and not think about them being dead, but the Carpenters songs always depress me and I change the station. She wasn't a whole lot older than me and I remember well when she died.

John used to be my favorite! I think his first wife Cynthia was a much better catch.

Thanks for the Wed. morning laugh!


squawmama said...

OK Tar... So a lot of people are like that with the Carpenters... I never gave it much thought So I guess it doesn't bother me... But you're right on how not so good looking John Lennos wife is... Have a wonderful Wednesday


Anonymous said...

Hi Tardevil, I have heard everything now. I have never wondered about dead singers. You gave me a good laugh this morning. Think about Elvis. But then there are some people who think he is still alive. LOL. Wonder away, we do not think you are crazy.

Thanks for the laugh and I wish you a happy day.


Lori said...

Hey Tar,
Our place is at Myrtle Beach.

Bo said...

Well you've done it!!! I won't ever be able to listen to a Karen C. song again without getting the willies...not that I really ever hear one of hers anymore...LOL. You are a CRAZY lady & that's just the way we want you! ♥ Bo

Envoy-ette said...

Songs from John Denver give me chills. Maybe because of the movie about people dying when they hear his song! LOL

The Raggedy Girl said...

Do you think it bothers because her death was so unnecessary. I was thinking about how they were saying that Steve Jobs must be sick because he was so skinny and I suffered a misconnect. If being skinny is equated was illness then why isn't being plump associated with health. When did we become enamored of skinny? If a child is thin, the doctor tells us to chub him up. I wonder about this a lot. God never expected a St. Bernard to look like a Greyhound!

Roberta Anne

Simply Debbie said...


Melissa Miller said...

That is funny!

I'm not sure if I have wondered this one before...Elvis maybe?

Thanks for telling me about the article. I'll check it out right now.
I have no idea what's wrong with my blog.
I sure didn't need any issues today since I'm getting a makeover soon...shoot.

Susan @ The Good Life! said...

It,s not just you, I think she is creepy too! Oh, and Lennon's wife is ugly!

xashee's corner said...

i saw your comment over on Deb's blog and thought i would stop in and say hi! :)
i have browsed your blog and LOVE your angels and plates! i am sure to be back! :)
Have an AWESOME day!

Kristen said...

LOL I never thought about them being dead...just old ha ha

Nancy Rosalina said...

Girl, I always wonder about that Karen Carpenter...everytime I hear her sing! And Elvis!!!! Such a shame the way they both died! Anyway...those are the two that get me! I didn't care for Karen Carpenter, but now, Elvis was a different :)

JudyBug said...

I think some counseling may be necessary to get you over the hump! Altho I have to admit, watching old shows/movies where EVERYONE in the movie is dead does bother me.

Maybe we can get a group counseling rate?

After years of marriage (33), I have learned to break things to him in v small doses!

Becky in East Texas said...

This cracked me up. I have never thought anything about dead people singing. Well, not singing while they're dead, but you know...too funny!

Sandi McBride said...

It never has been a thing that came up unless when I hear Johnny Cash do a "I've Been Everywhere" travel commercial Mac will say, as long as there are tv's and radio, John will never die. I usually agree with him...and since we own every scrap of music the man ever sang, he definitely lives on in this house...but as for poor Karen...I am so sorry that she was bulimic...she wasted so much happiness...for many
Great know, you make us think with all your craziness, lol!

lov said...

i'm new here, and feel like i'm gonna have to come back for more!!

love your blog, and love the way you write!

i'm following you for sure!

rebel said...

You're funny. Loco Yoko has always bothered me.

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Karen was such a talented lady. And I never thought John could sing all that good . And that poor Yoko ......... she is so ugly she would have to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink !!

tam said...

Hi Penny!
Well hhmmm very interesting girl! LoL I wonder why that bothers you too? Now that I think about it I'm starting to get a lil creeped out too! ~Hope you have had a fun week~Tam:D

santamaker said...

I love hearing Karen Carpenter! She had such a sweet voice. It does make me sad, how tragic it was for her to go through her bulimia/anarexia alone. Maybe her death saved many girls' lives, because the whole illness came out of the closet.
Did you know that you're a nut?!?
A nice one, though... :O)

Dee said...

maybe you get weirded out because Karen Carpenters voice is so deep and pure and mesmerizing ??

nikkicrumpet said...

LOL I never thought of it as "dead people singing" Now I'm probably going to be creeped out by my radio. Thanks!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

You are SO funny. I guess she was the first case of "eating disorder" that I ever heard about, and because of that, it was very shocking. Also, the fact that I was young enough to still think that somebody like Karen Carpenter had such a wonderful life and then to find out I was SO wrong was upsetting. I can't tell you the last time I heard one of her recordings though, but I don't think it would bother me. laurie

Anonymous said...

I had never thought about it...but thanks for HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! You totally cracked me up with your comments on Yoko and John! I was laughing out loud. It is so true. All that money and they always looked like they needed a shower...
whats up with that?

Any hoo ... maybe the Karen Carpenter thing bugs you because her voice is so deep and she died by starving herself. I always think of that when I hear her sing. Sad!

Thanks for sharing your wonderings!

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

It doesn't really bother me, but it runs my husband crazy with some singers. LOL! Elvis is fine, he loves to still listen to his music. But Karen Carpenter makes him sad! ...very thought provoking question! :) ~hugs, Rhonda

Olde Tyme Marketplace said...

I was laughin at this one! I don't get the creeps so much when I hear Karen Carpenter sing as I do her brother in one of the Christmas songs they sing! He starts up with..."there's a birthday at the home of Farmer Gray".....AND I just get the willy's!! He sounds soooooo creepy!!
Thanks for a funny post!
P.S. You are right on with the whole Lennon /Oko thing too btw!

Bridget said...

ROFL, I have to agree whole-heartedly with you on this.

Camie said...

Hmmmmm...I think this is before my time...That or I'm very sheltered because I have NO idea who that is!

Wonder Wednesday - fun!
